This site exists as a repository for my evolving thoughts and quotations about transactional distance in online learning.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Short list of researchers working on transactional distance

Chen, Yau-Jane. 2001. Dimensions of transactional distance in the world wide web learning environment: A factor analysis. British Journal of Educational Technology 32 (4):459-470.

———. 2001. Transactional distance in World Wide Web learning environments. Innovations in Education & Teaching International 38 (4):327-338.

Huang, Hsiu-Mei. 2002. Student perceptions in an online mediated environment. International Journal of Instructional Media 29 (4):405-422.

Jung, Insung. 2001. Building a theoretical framework of web-based instruction in the context of distance education. British Journal of Educational Technology 32 (5):525-534.

Kanuka, Heather, Dave Collett, and Cynthia Caswell. 2002. University instructor perceptions of the use of asynchronous text-based discussion in distance courses. American Journal of Distance Education 16 (3):151-167.

Lally, Vic, and Elizabeth Barrett. 1999. Building a learning community on-line: Towards socio-academic interaction. Research Papers in Education 14 (2):147-163.

Martinez Witte, Maria, and Sara E. Wolf. 2003. Infusing mentoring and technology within graduate courses: Reflections in practice. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 11 (1):95-103.

Shannon, Donna M. 2002. Effective teacher behaviors and Michael Moore's theory of transactional distance. Journal of Education for Library & Information Science 43 (1):43-47.
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