This site exists as a repository for my evolving thoughts and quotations about transactional distance in online learning.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Research Problem

This study seeks to inquire into how student-content, student-teacher, student-student, and student-interface interactions are transacted in an asynchronous, text-based online learning environment, and to what degree if at all (or if any), these online interactions contribute to student perceptions/expectations of the quality of their online learning experiences.

This study seeks to inquire into how student-content, student-teacher, student-student, and student-interface interactions are transacted in an asynchronous, text-based online learning environment, and to what degree if at all (or if any), these online interactions contribute to transactional distance in their online learning experiences.

This study seeks to inquire into the nature of student-content, student-teacher, student-student, and student-interface interactions in an asynchronous, text-based online learning environment, and how contextual factors impact/effect/influence levels of transactional distance.

I am now working on the distance education dissertation, study the interactions in a NT Survey class which Moody Bible Institute has offered SBC. I am exploring how the four types of interactions found in online learning - learner-content, learner-teacher, learner-learner and learner-interface impact levels of transactional distance in this class. Transactional
distance is not just a spatial distance, it is also a psychological-social distance which is felt between participants.

This study seeks to inquire into the factors which influence
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